Comarton Managed Pension Funds Investment Consortium

Year 2007

Creation of the Comarton Managed Pension Funds Investment Consortium (“Consortium”) in 2007 made up of Pension Funds under the management of Comarton.

Consortium success points

  • Post-Retirement Healthcare programme for pensioners.

  • Property investments

  • Agriculture

  • Mining

Investor Protection Fund

Year 2012

Comarton was, in 2012, appointed as Fund Administrator to the Investor Protection Fund (IPF). and subsequently the Unclaimed Share Portfolio. Testimony to our capacity to administer Funds which are not registered pension funds

Tourism Sector

One of the cardinal principles of the formation of the Consortium was to look at investments that would help the economy while significantly enhancing member resources within a relatively short horizon in an effort to ameliorate member losses on account of currency changes.

  • The country is endowed with great sites including; heritage/iconic sites such as the Victoria Falls, Rhodes Nyanga National Park, Zimbabwe ruins, Matopos, Chinhoyi caves and the Chilojo cliffs and barring another epidemic, the tourism sector is set for a boom.

  • Pension Funds under the Consortium provided seed capital to a private equity in 2011 which has evolved into Arden Enterprises Limited (AEL) is a Mauritian domiciled investment holding company.

  • AEL invests in assets that are tourism-facing and USD cash-generative. The substantial existing investment portfolio currently offers exposure to prominent Zimbabwe-based assets in hospitality through African Sun Limited which is listed on the VFX. The Consortium members collectively have a shareholding of 22.5% in Arden.